RAE Traffic Zone Marking Paint: Pour Paint Dispensing, Blue, 5 gal, 90 sq ft/gal, 30 min
#914879Pkg Qty: 1
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Technical Specifications
Key Specifications
Product Description
Traffic and Zone Marking Paints APPLICATION METHOD: Brush, roller or spray machine (except Fast-Dry) SURFACES: Asphalt, concrete, and brick USES: For parking lots, fire lanes, centerlines, crosswalks, warehouse aisles, bike lanes, curbs and medians, roads and highways, handicap parking, airport runways, running tracks, and arrows and markings Low VOC marking paints are made with Acetone (an exempt solvent) to comply with EPA and state regulations and the Federal Clean Air Act for VOC compliant coatings. Alkyd Heavy-duty, high-viscosity coating for striping new or old asphalt and concrete, and for restriping. Similar to chlorinated without the added rubber. Fed. Spec. A-A-2886type II.
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