Nonmarking Rubber Tread on Plastic Core Wheel: 8 in Wheel Dia., 2 in Wheel Wd, Standard
#938664-4Pkg Qty: 1
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Product Description
Nonmarking wheels with a rubber tread and plastic core will not leave marks on floor surfaces. They are used in indoor facilities that must maintain an attractive floor appearance. The casters' plastic core is lighter and provides better corrosion resistance than a metal core. Nonmarking rubber tread on plastic core wheels are used on carts, racks, and similar equipment in a range of institutional and industrial applications.
Wheels with rubber treads are suitable for most types of flooring and provide more floor protection than wheels with metal treads. They are available in a range of hardnesses. In general, soft rubber treads offer more cushioning and better floor protection than hard rubber treads, and hard rubber treads provide more weight capacity, better abrasion resistance, and easier rolling than soft rubber treads. Rubber tread standard wheels are used for replacing the existing wheels on carts, racks, and similar equipment.
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