Coupler, Stainless Steel, Tote Connection Size 1-7/8", Hose Inside Dia. 3/4"
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#922317Pkg Qty: 1
$203.47 pkg | $203.47 ea
In Stock
Shipping to 43085
Expected to arrive Fri. Mar 28.
Technical Specifications
Key Specifications
Adapter Material
316 Stainless Steel
Maximum Liquid Temperature
Mfr. Part Number
DEF Compatible
Mfr. Warranty Length
30 days
2-51/64 in.
Pack Quantity
For Use With
Mfr. No. 33101, 33102, 33115-S2MG, 33115-S2AG, 33115-S1MG, 33115-S1AG, 51009C-S9MG, 51009C-S9AG, 970027-02MG, 970027-02AG, 970027-06MG, 970027-06AG
Shipping Weight
1.3 lb.
2-45/64 in.
Wetted Materials
EPDM, Stainless Steel
3-45/64 in.
Compatible Chemicals
Acetic Acid (Glacial), Acetic Acid 20%, Citric Acid 50%, Ethyl (Ethanol), Isopropyl (Isopropanol), Antifreeze (Coolant), Ethylene Glycol, Glycerin, Sodium Bicarbonate (10%), Formaldehyde 40%, Formaldehyde, Ammonium Hydroxide, Sodium Hypochlorite/Bleach (to 20%), Potassium Hydroxide (50%), Fresh Water, Salt Water, Deionized Water, Sodium Bisulfite, DEF
Min. Fluid Temp.
17 Degrees F
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Compatible
Not Recommended Chemicals
Acetic Acid 80%, Chromic Acid 5%, Chromic Acid 10%, Chromic Acid 30%, Chromic Acid 50%, Formic Acid, Hydrochloric/Muriatic Acid (20%), Hydrochloric/Muriatic Acid (37%), Hydrochloric/Muriatic Acid (100%), Hydrofluoric Acid (20%), Hydrofluoric Acid (75%), Hydrofluoric Acid 100%, Nitric Acid (10% Solution), Nitric Acid (20% Solution), Nitric Acid (50% Solution), Nitric Acid (Concentrated Solution), Phosphoric Acid (40% Solution), Sulfuric Acid (to 10%), Sulfuric Acid (10% - 75%), Sulfuric Acid (75% - 100%), Acetone, Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), Methyl (Methanol), Calcium Chloride, Cyclohexane, Gasoline, Heptane, Hexane, Kerosene, Stoddard Solvent (Mineral Spirits), Diesel Fuel, Hydraulic Oils (Petroleum), Hydraulic Oils (Synthetic), Ethyl Acetate, Biodiesel, Hydrazine, Sodium Hydroxide/Caustic Soda (20%), Sodium Hydroxide/Caustic Soda (50%), Sodium Hydroxide/Caustic Soda (80%), Lacquer Thinners, Toluene, Xylene, Motor Oil, Methyl Chloride, Sodium Bisulfate, Trichlorethylene (50%), E85, Anhydrous Ammonia, Ammonia (Liquids), Automatic Transmission Fluid, Brake Fluid, Fertilizers, Fungicides, Herbicides, Lithium Grease, Naphtha, Paint, Paint Thinner, Pesticides, Turpentine, Windshield Washer Fluid
For Media Type
Acetic Acid, Citric Acid, Ethanol, Isopropanol, Antifreeze, Ethylene Glycol, Glycerin, Sodium Bicarbonate, Formaldehyde, Ammonium Hydroxide, Bleach, Potassium Hydroxide (50%), Water, Sodium Bisulfite, DEF
Outlet Angle
0 Degrees
Hose Inside Dia.
3/4 in
Threaded Connection Size
3/4 in
Max. Fluid Temp.
150 Degrees F
Threaded Connection Type
Hose Barb
Max. Operating Pressure
100 psi
Tote Connection Size
1 7/8 in
Product Description
Tote couplings are fittings used with drum or tote valves to provide a closed connection that seals out contaminants from fluids being pumped. They have one end for locking into a compatible valve and suction tube assembly and another end for connecting a dispensing hose. These couplings allow drum pump tubes to remain in place until the tote is empty while allowing the pump to be connected and removed as needed. They're often used on containers of diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) to maintain the purity of the fluid.
Item Barcode
Coupler,2-51/64 In. Dia.,3-45/
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